Wind Ensemble
This is the top ensemble in the program with selective seating and typically only one player is assigned per part. Seats are earned by audition. This is a class supported by the BUSD and the IMA Booster Club.
Symphonic Orchestra
This is the intermediate ensemble in the program. Students are placed in the Symphonic Band by audition. This is a class supported by the BUSD and the IMA Booster Club.
Concert Band
This is the entry-level ensemble in the program. Skill building is emphasized in this ensemble through the appropriate music selection and the progressive study of musical techniques and concepts. Auditions are not required for this ensemble. This is a class supported by the BUSD and IMA Booster Club.
Jazz Band
Students will spend the year in Jazz Ensemble studying improvisation and several styles of music, including Latin, swing, funk, and rock in both the big band and the combo setting. Students are selected for Jazz Ensemble by audition only. This is a class supported by the BUSD and the IMA Booster Club.
Marching Band
Marching Band at Burroughs is a multi-faceted class. All students in the marching band will perform at rallies, football games, competitions and other on-campus events. Enrollment in a classical ensemble is required. This program is supported by the BUSD and the IMA Booster Club.
Color Guard
The Color Guard is part of the marching band. Students are selected for Color Guard by audition, and they are expected to enroll in the 1st period Wind Ensemble class, so they can be taught by our Color Guard instructors. They are also expected to enroll in the Marching Band in the Fall Semester. In the Spring Semester, students will participate in Winter Guard, which is a competitive circuit just for Color Guard. This program is supported by the BUSD and the IMA Booster Club.
Chamber Ensembles
Each member of the Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble is placed in a chamber ensemble for the Solo and Ensemble Season. Students learn to perform in groups, such as brass quintet, woodwind quintet, saxophone quartet, clarinet choir, or flute choir and are challenged with the responsibility of weekly rehearsals outside of class. This program is supported entirely by the IMA Booster Club.